Tag: ec2instance

Deploying a Rust Rocket REST API on AWS EC2 with Docker and GitHub Actions

Reading Time: 5 minutes When Rust compiles code, you get an executable if you created the application using the –bin command. In this blog, we shall look at how we can create a Dockerfile to create an image with this executable. We shall then deploy this image on EC2 using GitHub Actions which will be set on our repository […]

How to launch EC2 Spot Instances using Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling and AWS Application Load Balancer (Part 2)?

Reading Time: 10 minutes A Spot Instance is a virtual machine that runs on spare EC2 capacity that is offered at a lower price than the On-Demand price. Spot Instances allow you to request unused EC2 instances at great discounts, allowing you to dramatically reduce your Amazon EC2 expenditures. A Spot Instance’s hourly pricing is known as a Spot […]

How to launch and connect to a MacOS instance on Amazon EC2 and access it through a GUI using VNC Client?

Reading Time: 11 minutes Amazon EC2 MacOS Instances allow to execution of on-demand MacOS workloads in the cloud, expanding AWS’ flexibility, scalability, and cost advantages to all Apple developers. Developers working on apps for the iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, Apple TV, and Safari may use EC2 MacOS Instances to provision and access MacOS environments in minutes, dynamically scale […]

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