Tag: EC2 Spot Instances

How to launch EC2 Spot Instances using Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling and AWS Application Load Balancer (Part 2)?

Reading Time: 10 minutes A Spot Instance is a virtual machine that runs on spare EC2 capacity that is offered at a lower price than the On-Demand price. Spot Instances allow you to request unused EC2 instances at great discounts, allowing you to dramatically reduce your Amazon EC2 expenditures. A Spot Instance’s hourly pricing is known as a Spot […]

How to run fault-tolerant workloads for up to 90% off using Amazon EC2 Spot Instances?

Reading Time: 10 minutes Understanding cloud bills and how to get the most out of the budget on AWS is becoming increasingly important as enterprises migrate more applications and services to the cloud and a larger portion of IT budgets is diverted to cloud providers. With specialized tools, economic models, and best practices, AWS cost optimization has become its […]

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