Tag: Rocket REST API

Deploying a Rust Rocket REST API on AWS EC2 with Docker and GitHub Actions

Reading Time: 5 minutes When Rust compiles code, you get an executable if you created the application using the –bin command. In this blog, we shall look at how we can create a Dockerfile to create an image with this executable. We shall then deploy this image on EC2 using GitHub Actions which will be set on our repository […]

Use SurrealDB to Persist Data with Rocket REST API

Reading Time: 8 minutes Databases are essential in web development for organizing data in various forms and shapes (both structured and unstructured). Their ultimate goal is for the stored data to be easily retrievable, updated, queried, and generally administered via a graphical user interface (GUI), dashboard, or even command line interface (CLI). We can use database management systems to […]

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