Tag: realtimeapps

How to Use Kafka for Event Streaming in a Microservices Architecture?

Reading Time: 7 minutes The world of creating real-time applications can get complex when we have to consider latency, fault tolerance, scalability, and possible data losses. Traditionally, web sockets were the go-to option when it came to real-time applications, but think of a situation whereby there’s server downtime. It means that there is a high risk of data loss […]

Building Real-Time Apps with NestJS and GraphQL Subscriptions

Reading Time: 6 minutes Real-time applications are important in several instances. Especially in a scenario whereby immediate feedback is important such as messaging apps and IoT apps. Let’s imagine a case in IoT whereby a smoke detector needs to relay information to water sprinklers in a burning building. This information has to be in real-time to save the situation […]

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