Tag: nestjs

Building Real-Time Apps with NestJS and GraphQL Subscriptions

Reading Time: 6 minutes Real-time applications are important in several instances. Especially in a scenario whereby immediate feedback is important such as messaging apps and IoT apps. Let’s imagine a case in IoT whereby a smoke detector needs to relay information to water sprinklers in a burning building. This information has to be in real-time to save the situation […]

How to upload large files (1GB and beyond) to AWS S3 using NestJS (backend) and ReactJS (frontend)?

Reading Time: 5 minutes When dealing with file uploads, you must be aware that files are uploaded in buffers stored in memory and if the file is larger than the allocated memory in your VM, it may run out of memory and the application might crash. For example, if your allocated memory is 2GB, if you try to upload […]

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