Tag: containerization

How to install and run Docker Container on Amazon EC2 Instance (Part 1)?

Reading Time: 7 minutes The fast rise in interest and use of container-based solutions has necessitated the development of industry standards for container technology and the packaging of software code. Docker is currently one of the most well-known and widely utilized container engines on the market. Docker was launched in 2013 by a company called Dotcloud, Inc which was […]

How to build and run scalable, secure & containerized Web Applications in minutes using AWS App Runner (Part 1)?

Reading Time: 7 minutes Developing apps is where you build value, not manage how they’re delivered. Rather than wrestling/bickering infrastructure, why not just write your code and leave the rest to someone else? Over time, cloud providers have made this process progressively easier. AWS may have just made a significant jump for many of its customers with the launch […]

How to set up AWS Copilot to build, release and operate containerized applications on ECS and Fargate using a CLI?

Reading Time: 9 minutes Are you completely drained by worrying about your infrastructure over architecture? Well, AWS Copilot supercharges your application by allowing you to set up infrastructure, build your application with many microservices, set up a pipeline to automate release and monitor the stack and application’s status, and add-ons all from a single CLI. In this blog, we […]

How to set up AWS Copilot to build, release and operate containerized applications on ECS and Fargate using a CLI?

Reading Time: 9 minutes AWS Copilot is a command line interface (CLI) that allows users to launch and manage containerized apps on AWS fast and efficiently. AWS Copilot offers a simple declarative set of commands, as well as examples and guided experiences to assist clients in deploying quickly. Copilot automates each stage of the deployment lifecycle, including pushing to […]

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