Tag: translate

How to Translate Text Using the Translate Npm Package and the Libre Engine?

Reading Time: 9 minutes In our interconnected world, language barriers can hinder effective communication and collaboration. Thankfully, with the advancements in machine translation, it is now easier than ever to overcome these barriers. In this blog post, we will demonstrate how to leverage the Translate NPM package, combined with the powerful Libre Engine, to seamlessly translate text between different […]

How to translate chat messages in different languages in real time with Amazon Translate?

Reading Time: 10 minutes We are in the age of globalization! Nowadays many businesses are expanding their reach to wider audiences across the globe, which made the world a global village! Businesses across the globe require applications that are interoperable with multiple languages. So businesses have a need for scalable, reliable, and cost-effective solutions to create multilanguage-supported applications.  Traditional […]

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